Mindfulness: An Eight-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World

(20 customer reviews)

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MINDFULNESS reveals a set of simple yet powerful practices that you can incorporate into daily life to help break the cycle of anxiety, stress, unhappiness, and exhaustion. It promotes the kind of happiness and peace that gets into your bones. It seeps into everything you do and helps you meet the worst that life throws at you with new courage.
The book is based on Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). MBCT revolves around a straightforward form of mindfulness meditation which takes just a few minutes a day for the full benefits to be revealed. MBCT has been clinically proven to be at least as effective as drugs for depression and is widely recommended by US physicians and the UK’s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence – in other words, it works. More importantly it also works for people who are not depressed but who are struggling to keep up with the constant demands of the modern world.
MBCT was developed by the book’s author, Oxford professor Mark Williams, and his colleagues at the Universities of Cambridge and Toronto. By investing just 10 to 20 minutes each day, you can learn the simple mindfulness meditations at the heart of MBCT and fully reap their benefits. The book includes links to audio meditations to help guide you through the process. You’ll be surprised by how quickly these techniques will have you enjoying life again.

20 reviews for Mindfulness: An Eight-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World

  1. Fiona (verified owner)

    It took a few times to muster the discipline to do this. It’s not easy, but it does change your life. And increases your thought power and peacefulness. It does take work. I started with Jon Kabatt Zin’s “Full Catastrophe Living” about 7 years ago which explains the mind and how mindfulness works. I bought this when I was living in Britain and I do like their meditations including the three-minute meditation for anytime and when you just need to take a break. The first copy I bought of this is paperback with a CD. It’s in storage so I bought the kindle edition recently. I was a bit nervous as to how the meditations could be delivered via kindle, and it’s fine. I downloaded zip file to my PC and simply click it on them They are actually delivered via itunes.

  2. Nick (verified owner)

    I am an Army Veteran with 3 years in Iraq and Afghanistan. A year ago I started having panic attacks and depression. The doctors response was medication. Not wanting to be on medication for the rest of my life I began searching for books and also started a support group. Everything I found helped, but none of it fixed the underlying problems, until I got this book. Within 2 weeks of starting the 8-week process, I felt a sense of peace and happiness that I haven’t felt in at least 10 years. I’ve just finished the program, and I feel like I’ve recovered the happiness, joy, and contentment that I though I had lost forever. I feel fully recovered from the panic, anxiety, and depression that have been gnawing at me for years. I shared this book with others in my support group and they have had similiar experiences. This book is transformative.

  3. Freshmeadow

    Mindfulness: An Eight-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World is an excellent exploration of the practice of Mindfulness meditation, an ancient technique designed to enable one to take a mental step back, as it were and see their stream of thoughts as a series of events that arise, linger momentarily and then fade away.
    The key benefit of this practice is that one learns, over time, that the mind has the capability to actually distance itself from these thoughts and regard them impartially. This can give a person the ability to take perspective and choose their response to these thoughts, whether that response be simple curiosity, acknowledgement or to simply let them fade away.
    The book explains how evolution designed our mind to be a problem solver, for situations such as where is the next food source, is there a predator nearby, where is there water, etc. However, in many situations this very problem solving mode can become the problem, as it tries to solve “problems” with no apparent logical solution, such as “Why am I feeling so low on such a beautiful day?” or ‘Why am I so tense?”. In these cases problem solving mode and lead to a downward spiral of brooding and even depression.
    Mindfulness practice steps back from problem solving mode, allows one to impartially observe the mental events taking place, and
    gain perspective on them, thus halting the brooding cycle.
    I highly recommend this book to everyone who wants to become more calm and more insightful about life and themselves. Remember, however, Mindfulness takes commitment and practice, as does any useful skill.

  4. Cookie77 (verified owner)

    This book gave a very good explanation of meditation for a beginner. I used it during a very stressful time to ward off the beginning of panic attacks and it worked. The deep breathing reminded me of yoga relaxation. I especially like the thought of making little bubbles around the thoughts that intrude and examining them and then pushing them away. They are just thoughts and not you. The feeling of becoming centered is pretty powerful. I really loved the relaxation tapes that came with my kindle version of the book. I gave the hard copy to a friend who had expressed interest for a gift at Christmas. The ideas are actually helping me with concentration in my prayer life also.

  5. C. D. of Texas (verified owner)

    I actually did the 8-week program as suggested in the book Mindfulness – An 8-week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World. And I found not just “peace” but a part of myself as well. I have a new “place to stand” now where I am able to be more objective and in control of my emotions as I react (or not) to stresses in my life. This is how to have a more insightful approach to life. I wish I had read this years ago. If you take the advice seriously and actually do the practices for the 8 weeks, you will be surprised by what happens. I recommend this book highly. It is not religious in any way and is for any person of any walk of life or any beliefs.

  6. T

    i took a free 8 week mindfulness course at my university where this book was used. i was coming off of prozac a few weeks before i started this program (i was on prozac for 2 years for anxiety & depression) and needless to say, i was a mess. i feel so doomed and sad; dreadful, is the only way to describe it. but this book, along with the group, changed my life. you have to practice EVERY DAY, but you will notice a difference after the first week. meditation changes your brain in so many ways, you’ll never go back to the way you were.

    it’s been a month or two now after the 8 week program and i still meditate every day. i can’t live without it, and i am still prozac free!

    don’t let the amount of “time” you need to meditate for intimidate you. just sit down, and do it. whether it’s 3 minutes or 55 minutes each day, just do it, don’t judge yourself or say “i need to meditate 10,000 hours before i’m not anxious or depressed”. no- that is just your worried thoughts getting in the way.

    i’m currently looking for the “next step” in this journey (book-wise), but i continue daily with my meditations and mindfulness. it’s called a “practice” for a reason! stick with it. don’t judge yourself. give it everything, as if your life depended on it, because it will change you.

  7. Fawn A. (verified owner)

    My husband purchased this CD as a means to try introducing himself to meditation. He has been very stressed with his job, raising a preschooler, and putting up with our puppy (okay…and maybe his wife, too…lol). He listens to Howard Stern, who strongly recommends meditation, and that is what made my husband decide to give this a try (not my recommendation for years, as I have used meditation for stress relief for a long time). He finds that he still has to work at his meditation practice, but this CD has been very helpful to him in letting go of some of the stress he carries around with him. We both would highly recommend this CD for people who are beginning their meditation practice, and for those who want to add to their meditation practice with simple techniques and exercises.

  8. Christine A. Velasquez (verified owner)

    I’m a therapist and have been a “night stand” meditator/mindful-wanna-be for several years but I always struggled conceptualizing how to incorporate these great ideas into my daily being. This book really helped make it all come together and has helped changed my way of being in a lot of areas of my life for the better including the way I implement mindfulness practice into job. Thank u so much! I have read this book three times now and feel as if I learn something new every time. I truly believe in this book, so much so, I have bought it for my clients on Medicaid who wouldn’t normally be able to afford a book like this, and despite the stress of their environment and poverty, I’ve seen it help them too. Thank you.

  9. LA_TN (verified owner)

    I originally borrowed this book from a friend and than bought my own copy. It is such a great book with easy to follow instructions. I listen to the recommended downloads and have my MP3 available with meditations. Mind-fullness, and self awareness is really helping me focus on my career and to accept past disappointments. I do not have any major health issues other than ‘recovering Type A personality”. I think calming down taking a break from all the stress is increasing my creativity and productive. What I like most about the book and approach is it gives you meditations and identifies areas to work on. Not all of the identified issues apply to me but that is ok -all I know is that it has worked wonders for me.

  10. FEM

    Have been reading mindful-oriented books these past six month to help de-stress, make habit changes and live more in the present. I first checked this book out from our local library to see if I would like it and would want to own it. I do like it – very much so.

    The exercises are easy-to-do and logical, with a general lacing of common-sense. I find the exercises provoke contemplation and personal evaluation – easy to get lost in thinking.

    Also, one might think they could easily read the book quickly due to easy visual layout of the book and how the text is written. However, I challenge you to NOT be “caught” in what the authors are presenting in the hopes you become more mindful and present.

    Finally, I have yet to use the book as a straight-forward “8 week plan”. So far, I’ve just opened the book and thought about what was the page(s). Often, I have to leave it for a few days or week or to and practice.

    “Mindfulness” has helped me and I’m only beginning to do the “plan”. I highly recommend investing in the book for your personal library.

  11. James (verified owner)

    Offers a clear guide to meditation from a completely non-religious point of view that’s very easy to understand and explains the science supporting mindfulness. Not only does this book describe a step by step guide to meditation, but it also discusses how the mind works and how we perceive events, whether they occur inside our mind or outside of us. The authors explain how to approach thoughts and emotions that every human being experiences. This book is for anyone trying to strengthen their emotional intelligence and to learn how to meditate.

  12. 4sylvester

    This program has become my “parachute”. I am 46 years old in excellent health and recently had succumb to severe anxiety that has been plaguing me for months. My doctor prescribed xanax which kept me functional but did not fix the problem. I struggled to sleep at night and had difficulty managing stress all day long. I was a nervous wreck. The doctor’s solution was an anti-psychotic but I instead chose to start this program. After 4 weeks i was off the xanax and my mood improved significantly. After 2 months i was feeling very good but one night I experienced the beginnings of a panic attack for no apparent reason other than letting my mind run away. I immediately started a meditation and within seconds completely diffused what was going to be a runaway train. What was most surprising was how good i felt after the attack was arrested. I was concerned it was going to come back and it did not. I assume this is because I had learned to treat anxiety symptoms as “fake news”. I learned to listen to my body and not to my brain which is the whole basis of the program and it absolutely works.

    In addition, i found the guided audio superb. Mark Williams voice and guidance truly relax you. They tend to relax you so much that i sometimes found it difficult to stay awake. Don’t read that as “boring” but rather it will take you from a state of anxious to calm and relaxed. I wish i could meet this guy to shake his hand and say thank you.

  13. jandorlinda (verified owner)

    I have been wanting to mediate and be more mindful for a long time. Recuperating from surgery and finding this book at the same time made it all possible. The book is written so you can really understand the benefits. It guides you with practical methods of incorporating mindfulness in your day. I loved that I had the meditations downloaded on my kindle and that I had an easy access to them. I also found that the different ways to meditate, such as through sights, sound, movement, very helpful tools to choose from when my mood was coming from different places.

  14. Chocolate Fan (verified owner)

    I heard about this book and almost didn’t purchase itwhen I read some older amazon reviews that the audio was not online but I ordered it anyway. The audio IS online! There is a link in Chapter 4 to find it.
    Though I am a fairly happy go lucky person, I thought I would give this eight week program a try to see how it was.
    I thought I didn’t need to be much more mindful. Doing the exercises has improved my life! Surprise to me!
    I do recommend the book and the exercises.

  15. Claire

    “Raisins are so insignificant; we tend to eat them by the handful while doing something ‘more important’…Once you see the difference that paying attention can make to small things in life, you start to get an inkling of the cost of inattention. Just think of all of the pleasures of seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touching that are drifting by you unnoticed…You only ever have a moment to live, this moment…”

    Life can be more than what you think it is; what your mind tells you about reality. It can be more than the distance between here and there. The good news is that that life you are looking for is right here, right now, waiting to be unfolded. The richness, the variety, the luxury is already here, waiting to be savored. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to get that kind of life, you don’t need to quit work and travel the world, you don’t need any of that. What you really need to do is read this damn book and follow the practices! The magic will unfold itself. Let me explain:

    Five years ago I purchased this book, and it is the best money I have ever spent. In fact, I would venture to say it is the best thing that I have ever done for myself. This book is basically my personal bible and drastically changed my life for the better. It will change your life for the better if you follow it; that I guarantee. The wisdom and the practice of this book will soak into the very fibers of your body and give you true satisfaction and peace you have always been looking for.

    I used to be anxious, quick to anger, always worrying about the future. Always caught up in my head and my thoughts. I had chronic anxiety, depression, and was generally a nervous person. Modern society and extreme business have a way of amplifying this problem. After just a few weeks of using this book, my life changed. I feel that I am one of the happiest people alive, that I can be successful at anything I put my mind to, and that life is no longer passing me by. My relationships are fulfilling, work is meaningful, and I am no longer dependent on the external life to make my own happiness.

    This book will teach you to allow life to unfold moment by moment; it will teach you to be kind to yourself and realize the true nature of thoughts. The truth that you are not your thoughts, thoughts & feelings & impulses are transient, and that you ultimately have control over how you relate to these things. Mindfulness will change your brain (yes, physically will change the structure of your brain) so that it is resilient, sharp, and meaningful. It isn’t some mystical crap, it has real scientifically-proven benefits. I invite you to read the book to find out more about this and how to practice mindfulness in your daily life. No matter what, know that mindfulness CAN work for you, that everyone’s mind is like a crazy monkey, it’s not just yours, and that your mind will jump around a LOT and that is completely and totally expected.

  16. Agnieszka Sychtysz (verified owner)

    This book was awesome ! I stuck to the plan to the T, mediated every day and full submerged myself in the meditation. I had such bad anxiety and panic attacks it felt like I was never going to get my life back. This book gave my life back to me and I could never thank the person who wrote this book and program enough for that .

  17. Bunly Meas (verified owner)

    This book is a complete introduction to mindfulness beginner and enthusiasts. It combines explanations of why mindfulness matters and then provide an 8-week meditation schedule for readers to practice and benefit straight away. There are also audio clips narrated by the author available to meditate in own time. I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested and would like to try mindful meditation.

  18. jay (verified owner)

    Introduced me to meditation and I’m so grateful. Reads really well and makes good use of the science for the skeptics. Highly recommend if you’re looking for a structured introduction to establishing a consistent meditation routine. Also just a really thorough and relatable introduction to the benefits and uses of meditation generally. I’d recommend only reading the chapter of the week ahead if you’re doing the 8 week program. This helps to keep expectations low about what you should be experiencing or feeling.

  19. Oscar Ariza (verified owner)

    Good book.. I was a bit incredulous at the beginning because my religious belief. Reading the lines of this book allowed me to be conscious about or real need to be mindfullness and simple things like breathing … Thanks!!

  20. Jeff (verified owner)

    A good read to take stock of oneself. I recommend reading this book. Helpful, meaningful, and very present reading material.

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